Why 24-7 YouthWork…
24-7 YouthWork is an out-of-class, extra-curricular emphasis that supplements and supports existing school activities. It is about effective encouragement for young people and quality service delivery for schools. In other words, it is youth workers supporting young people and serving the school in practical ways. The same youth workers work in and out of school, 10 paid hours per week and are also part of a church youth community. The relationship between the school and church is unique as youth workers act as a link to the community.
24-7 YouthWork is Christian-based and connected with local churches. The youth workers are active Christians expected to live out Christian ideals in-school and out-of-school. However, the youth workers are committed to all students regardless of their background, beliefs or the choices they make. The youth workers operate in schools without proselytising though they are happy to respond to questions and share from their own experience and journey. They are committed to students being able to make their own free choices.
The youth workers are employed and managed by groups external to the school but remain accountable to the school. In each school one teacher serves as an ongoing liaison with the youth workers. All youth workers are required to keep a diary of in-school activities, and to produce written reports each term. We also encourage youth workers to meet with the Principal once a term. The youth workers are required to deliver excellent service to young people and the school.
We believe in young people. We want to see young people enjoy their high school years and build a great foundation to launch themselves into adult life. We want to see a good strong healthy next generation of New Zealanders coming through.
Currently, Ashburton Intermediate School have three presence based youth workers picture below. Although only in their second week, staff are noticing positive role modelling in areas of conflict particularly with boys. Students have quickly created great connections with all three youth workers and are always asking “will you be back tomorrow?”